Second thing is, your song would be heard on various speaker setups and you want it to sound the same everywhere. There are three things that we require, firstly a good laptop with a decent CPU and as much RAM as possible. So I can tell you two things right now, making an EDM track doesn’t require any physical instruments or heavy investment and the other thing is, I’d give you a million bucks if you could make a button that could generate music on its own. Right now, we’ll look at how to make music which is a central thing for any EDM. Things get tricky only when you want to include custom lyrics in your tracks, for that you indeed require a studio or at least a good mic which won’t come for less than 10K. As a matter of fact, you can make tracks like ‘Animals’ in your home, right now. Apparently, both of these popular opinions have misguided a lot of people and might have even broken some dreams (especially if you took advice from ‘Sharma Ji’).
There are two opinions about making Electronic Dance Music, a.k.a EDM, half the population believes that all you need to do is to press a button on your computer while the other half believes that it requires heavy investment on instruments, studio and maybe some luck.